The Fear Monster

Trigger warning: Pedophilia references. I sit down at a blank screen, the cursor blinking like a tiny thing in a sea of white. I stare at…

This Is Not It

Will you take me as I am? Will you? – Joni Mitchell She’s small, the police officer, a no-nonsense kind of woman. I can tell she’s trying…


She rushes into my arms. “Mama!” she cries as I bend down to scoop her up. More pairs of hands grab at my waist, my legs.…

Next Move

“I can’t do it,” I say. My heart is pounding. I can’t think clearly. I look to the side, which I instantly recognise as a mistake.…

Ready or Not

I watch them through my viewfinder. He stands there unable to speak, lifts his glasses, wipes his eyes. It’s so stunning I can barely watch it,…

The Final Say

I watch him pack Georgie into the car. He throws her into the air once, twice. She shrieks with joy. He leans down, puts her into…


It’s been so long since I’ve had the rush of sitting down at a blank screen and typing to you — the longest span of time,…